May 15 TO 18, 2025

Overview of exhibition area

Exhibition areas available at the MOC Munich event centre: Move the cursor over your chosen area in the hall overview. Click to view the floor plans and receive more information.


Hallenübersicht Atrium_4_2 Atrium_3_1 Atrium_4_1 Halle_1 Halle_2 Halle_3 Halle_4

Atrium 4 - 2nd floor

Important Details:

Air Condition
All rooms at the Atrium are equipped with air condition systems.

Main power connection
All Atrium rooms are equipped with in wall power sockets, 230V, 50HZ. Each wall side maximum load is 3 KW.

Fuses at the room
Each room has two power circuits, each 3 KW (each wall has its own circuits). We have installed so called fast fuses (FI) and that is, why some electronic with huge power consumption while switching on, results sometimes in “black out”. On request, we offer to change the fast fuses (FI) on both circuits into slower alternative.

All Atrium rooms have grey colored carpet.

Fire-Protection and storage
At all Atrium rooms the little green exit sign must be visible all the time and this emergency exits (2nd door or window), must be reachable all the time. It is not allowed to store any packaging material inside the Atrium rooms. It is also not allowed to lock the 2nd emergency door.

Room Ceiling
The ceiling should be not covered as Sprinkler systems are installed. In case some special covering is requested, please ask the Technical dept. of the MOC.

Floor plans:

Click on any single room number to open the detailed plan of each room.


Atrium_4_2 Studio E/F E218 E217 E216 E215 E214 E213 E212 E211 E210 E209 E208 E207 E206 E220 E221 E222 E223 E224 E225 E226 E227 E228 E229 F211 F210 F209 F208 F207 F206 F205 F204 F203 F202 F232c F232b F232a F231g F231f F231e F231d F231c F231b F231a F213 F214 F215 F216 F217 F218 F219 F220 F221 F222 F223 F224 F225 F226 F227 F228 F229

Atrium 3 - 1st floor

Important Details:

Air Condition
All rooms at the Atrium are equipped with air condition systems.

Main power connection
All Atrium rooms are equipped with in wall power sockets, 230V, 50HZ. Each wall side maximum load is 3 KW.

Fuses at the room
Each room has two power circuits, each 3 KW (each wall has its own circuits). We have installed so called fast fuses (FI) and that is, why some electronic with huge power consumption while switching on, results sometimes in “black out”. On request, we offer to change the fast fuses (FI) on both circuits into slower alternative.

All Atrium rooms have grey colored carpet.

Fire-Protection and storage
At all Atrium rooms the little green exit sign must be visible all the time and this emergency exits (2nd door or window), must be reachable all the time. It is not allowed to store any packaging material inside the Atrium rooms. It is also not allowed to lock the 2nd emergency door.

Room Ceiling
The ceiling should be not covered as Sprinkler systems are installed. In case some special covering is requested, please ask the Technical dept. of the MOC.

Floor plans:

Click on any single room number to open the detailed plan of each room.


Atrium_3_1 C112 C113 C114 C116/C115 C117 C118 C119 C120 C121 C122 C123 D111 D110 D109 D108 D107 D106 D105 D104 D103 D102

Atrium 4 - 1st floor

Important Details:

Air Condition
All rooms at the Atrium are equipped with air condition systems.

Main power connection
All Atrium rooms are equipped with in wall power sockets, 230V, 50HZ. Each wall side maximum load is 3 KW.

Fuses at the room
Each room has two power circuits, each 3 KW (each wall has its own circuits). We have installed so called fast fuses (FI) and that is, why some electronic with huge power consumption while switching on, results sometimes in “black out”. On request, we offer to change the fast fuses (FI) on both circuits into slower alternative.

All Atrium rooms have grey colored carpet.

Fire-Protection and storage
At all Atrium rooms the little green exit sign must be visible all the time and this emergency exits (2nd door or window), must be reachable all the time. It is not allowed to store any packaging material inside the Atrium rooms. It is also not allowed to lock the 2nd emergency door.

Room Ceiling
The ceiling should be not covered as Sprinkler systems are installed. In case some special covering is requested, please ask the Technical dept. of the MOC.

Floor plans:

Click on any single room number to open the detailed plan of each room.


Atrium_4_1 E118 E117 E116 E115 E114 E113 E112 E111 E110 E109 E108 E107 E106 E105 E104 E103 E102 E101 E119 E120 E121 E122 E123 E124 E125 E126 E127 E128 F111 F110 F109 F108 F107 F106 F105 F104 F103 F102 F131 F130 F112 F113 F114 F115 F116 F117 F118 F119 F120 F121 F122 F124 F125 F126 F127 F123 F128 F129

Hall 1

This is an example sketch of the exhibition hall.

Hall 2

This is an example sketch of the exhibition hall.

Hall 3

This is an example sketch of the exhibition hall.

Hall 4

This is an example sketch of the exhibition hall.